The design may well become the template for our other publications.
In the meantime, we've set up new interim corporate page at http://www.cnrgp.com to describe our different publications.
Of course, The Design and Construction Report, reflecting its special status as an online magazine, has its own appearance.
A question for marketers is how important it is for a single organization to have a truly standardized and consistent website style. If this is really important, we might be seen to have problems. However, I think the diversity of looks and feel on the different websites is actually a healthy sign for this business.
First, we are exploring creatively a number of different approaches and can learn from them which works best and which can be improved. Then we can confidently develop our template.
Second, and perhaps most important, sometimes too much effort is spent by marketers on trivial matters in the name of "brand consistency". What is really important is the underling culture and values of the business and its ability to relate well to current and potential clients. I think we are far better off by encouraging staff and contractors to be creative and to explore new ideas than to force them into standard processes.
Nevertheless, I think the new North Carolina sites will soon become our overall business website template.
What do you think?