So, "way back in 2006-07" I started this blog, posting daily. It turned out to be the first sustained and updated Construction Marketing Blog. And I generously shared backlinks and references to other useful sites and resources.
One day in 2007 this site skyrocketed in the search engine rankings. It remains in first place even though I focus virtually all of my blogging (including free daily updates) on the new
Construction Marketing Ideas blog.
Most likely, you are finding your way here either through search engine responses or old hyperlinks which still are active. And of course there are page after page of useful archive contents.
But this blog is no longer the best in the business. (With some vanity, my new
Construction Marketing Ideas blog is.) But it is still top-ranked. It is there because I started it first.
This is a vitally important marketing rule. You will find an uphill battle if you try to develop a message or present a service that is "better" than a competitor who occupies your potential clients' mind-space first. No matter how objectively better your service is; you have an uphill battle. Of course, you can pour a small fortune into paid advertising and marketing to hammer the competition.
But a much better strategy is to find another way to be first, either by redefining your demographics, your message, your "unique selling proposition" or your geographical focus. When you are first, you win.