Monday, 18 May 2009

Are they really interested?

Just two weeks ago, our email list included more than 11,000 names, and seemed to be in a trajectory of unlimited growth. Today, the list has 8,500 names but soon upwards of 5,000 will be removed.

Is this marketing suicide?

Your database includes a list of 1,000 "potential clients" for construction, renovation or related services. The names come from "somewhere" but you really don't know them at all -- and they haven't responded or communicated with you in any (serious) way in the past couple of years.

Are they really potential clients?

Sometimes we accumulate names -- or on online services "friends" -- way too easily and superficially to build any kind of meaningful relationship. We diverge from our priorities, and waste money and time trying to convert people who have no real interest in our services.

I suppose if you are maintaining the names on some sort of free service and not spending any money keeping them on file, no harm is done. But would you not be better off marketing wise to have a smaller, but meaningful and manageable, list of real prospects, current and former clients, with whom you can develop rapport, relationships, and new business?


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