Tomorrow (Dec. 20), is the deadline for nominations for the Design and Construction Report Best Construction Industry Marketing Blog competition. We've received dozens of responses -- and over the holidays, as this blog 'migrates' to the Wordpress site at All relevant blogs will be referenced and hyperlinked. The voting will open early in January and continue for the month.
The eligibility rules are simple: The blog must relate to the Architectural, Engineering and Construction Industry. It needs to be updated regularly and have been published at least three months with original content. I will screen out any blog which appears primarily to be a search engine optimization exercise. (SEO is a great reason to start and maintain a blog -- the links through this competition will certainly help -- but should not be the primary reason for it to be around.)
Even though the new Wordpress Construction Marketing Ideas site isn't official yet and I need to do much work over the holidays to add the features and content it needs, you might want to begin checking there daily now as I'm posting fresh content there you cannot see here. For example, see the report on the new Construction Marketing Ideas group.
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