Tuesday, 18 August 2009

As well, you can become an award sponsor.

You can nominate your own business, or your suppliers or clients can nominate you. We'll tally votes later in the year from readers. There is absolutely no cost to enter the competition and the reward -- free positive publicity -- is truly valuable for your brand and business.

If you wish to sponsor an award, you will receive these benefits for a modest sponsorship fee:

1) Company/Association Logo and Name to appear on all print ads and posters;

2) Company/Association Logo and Name to appear on the awards for the winner and finalists for your category;

3) Free ad in any feature articles we do on winner and finalists for your category;

4) Ability to provide marketing materials to all winners and finalists for all categories.

For sponsorship information, send an email to chase@cnrgp.com or phone (905) 228-1151 or 888-432-3555 ext 211.

To submit a nomination, simply visit the online nomination site. You can nominate one or more categories; and provide as much or as little information as you wish.


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