Sunday, 9 January 2011

Fighting Nature -- a new book

We're stretching our business into new markets with the upcoming publication of How Humans Fight the Laws of Nature -- and Lose, by Bill Caswell.  I describe the (marketing) reasoning behind this initiative in the other Construction Marketing Ideas blog, but will use this space as well to encourage you to vote in the survey for the book's cover design.

We've provided five choices.  On the survey form, you can select which one you like the best and that's it.  If you would like to receive a free sample chapter when the book is published (and an offer for a special 25 per cent discount) you can respond -- but you certainly don't need to; and if you decide to participate, you certainly aren't expected to purchase the book.

Your feedback is still truly important as it helps us answer a key question -- since, regardless of the cliche, most people indeed judge a book by its cover!


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