Friday, 21 January 2011

The three dumbest construction marketing mistakes

I've posted at the other Construction Marketing Ideas blog a rather snappy critique of the three things that contractors commonly do wrong, consistently. 

But at this one, I welcome your story of your greatest construction marketing mistake -- or success.  If it is a mistake, unless you give me express permission, I won't publish your name or identity anywhere and will disguise the story sufficiently that, while others can learn from it, you won't experience further embarrassment.  If you've achieved a marketing triumph and want to share it with the world, on the other hand, I'm all ears.

Finally, time is running short to nominate your blog for the Best Construction Blog competition.  There's no entry fee and no cost if you win -- but you'll receive plenty of free publicity and recognition.  You can email me for details if you don't know where to learn about it.


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